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  • Email: principalssimsrc@gmail.com

Anatomy - CME/Conference

Anatomy CME:

Histological & Histochemical Study Of Gastric Mucosa – Developmental Genetics on 18th October 2008.

It was inaugurated by Dr.Shamanur Shivashakrappa Hon. Secretary BEA.

Topics for scientific sessions were:

JOINTS:Gross & applied Anatomy

TWINS:Multiple pregnancies

  • Dr. K V Niranjan Murthy, Prof and HOD, Dept. of Anatomy, MVJ Medical college, Bangalore. JOINTS – Gross & applied Anatomy
  • Dr. B Vijayachandra, Prof and HOD, Dept. of Anatomy, KMC, Hubli. TWINS - Multiple Pregnancies
  • Dr. Gurishankar M Ganga, Asso. Professor of Anatomy, JJMMC Davangere - Histological & Histochemical Study Of Gastric Mucosa
  • Dr. R S Humbrawadi, Professor of Anatomy, SSIMS & RC, Davangere. Developmental Genetics

CME on Museum Model Preparation – on 8th May 2015 at Dissection hall, Dept. of Anatomy, SSIMS and RC, Davangere

Programme Schedule:
  • Inauguration: 9AM to 9:30AM
  • Tea Break
  • Lecture 1 : 10AM to 11AM
  • Topic: Soft Tissue Specimen Preparation and Demonstration
  • Speaker: Dr. Shashikala. M, Prof & Head Dept of Pathology, SSIMS&RC, Davangere
  • Lectuer 2 : 11:15AM to 12:30PM
  • Topic: Models as Teaching Module
  • Speaker: Dr. A V Angadi, Prof & Head Dept of Anatomy, SSIMS&RC, Davangere
  • Lunch Break : 12:30PM to 1:30PM
  • Model Making Compitition for First Year MBBS Students :2PM to 4PM
  • Number of Students Participating :30
  • Number of Compiting Tables: 5
  • Prize Distribution and Validictory Function: 4PM onwards

CME on MedicalGenetics & Fetal Medicine

CME on MedicalGenetics & Fetal Medicine

Time Contents
08:30-09:00 Breakfast and Registration
9:00-9:30 Inauguration
9:30-10:10 Cytogenetic and Molecular cytogenetic investigations in patients with genetic disorders
Dr. Jayarama S. Kadandale M.Sc., PhD
Specialist in Clinical and Molecular cytogenetics (USA)
Professor and Head, Clinical and Molecular Cytogenetics, Centre for Human Genetics, Biotech Park, Bangalore.
10:10-10:50 Molecular diagnosis in genetic disorders
Dr. Swathi Shetty M.Sc., PhD (Australia)
Senior Genetic Consultant, Centre for Human Genetics, Biotech Park, Bangalore.
10:50-11:00 Coffee/Tea Break
11:00-11:45 Fetal intervention techniques
Dr. Prathima Radhakrishnan, RCOG (UK), FRCOG(London)
Fetal Medicine Specialist, Director, Bangalore Fetal Medicine Center, Bangalore.
11:45-12:30 First trimester scanning “what can be identified
Dr. Raja A. Munireddy MD, DNB, MRCOG
Fetal medicine Specialist, Bangalore Fetal Medicine Center, Bangalore.
12:30-1:15 Genetic counseling and chromosomal disorders
Dr. Meenakshi BhatMD, DCH, DNB, MRCP, CCST, Clinical Geneticist
Professor, Centre for Human Genetics, Biotech Park, Electronic city phase I, Bangalore 560 100.
1:20-2:20 Lunch Break
2:30-3:10 When to suspect a Genetic disease? What next?
Dr. Madhu Pujar, Associate Professor,
Dept of Paediatrics, JJMMC, Davangere.
3:10-3:50 Star of fluorescence- FISH
Dr. Shashikala. P, Vice principal, Professor and Head
Dept of Pathology, SSIMS&RC,Davangere.
3:50-4:30 Case reports of Genetic Lab
Dr Shailaja C Math, Professor
Dept of Anatomy, SSIMS&RC.Davangere
4:30 onwards Valedictory function followed by tea break

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